(Explants, Capsulectomy, Implant Exchanges, and Revisions of previous breast surgeries)
Revision Breast Surgery refers to a group of procedures that addresses unwanted results following breast surgery, with the final goal of improving breast shape and symmetry and alleviating any patient discomfort. Revision of breasts that have previously been operated on can be a rewarding experience for the patient to help them get closer to their goals.

Who is a good candidate for a Breast Revision surgery?
Following breast surgery, it is possible that some patients will not be happy with some aspects of the breast appearance both immediately after or years after surgery. Any patient who is unhappy following a breast surgery should be evaluated by a Plastic Surgeon to discuss treatment options.
Common Reasons Women have Breast Revision Surgery:
To improve asymmetry in the Nipples or Breast shape/size
To make Breast smaller or larger
To remove Breast Implants that are no longer desired by the patient
To treat Capsular Contracture, which is tight scar tissue around the implant that results in pain or asymmetry.
To remove and replace a Rupture Breast Implant
What is usually required during an Implant Exchange?
This will largely depend on what is required to improve their breast shape and symmetry. It can range from low downtime with non invasive treatments to similar post operative precautions of their original breast surgery.
In General:
For patients who want a larger size, often a simple exchange of one smaller implant for a larger is all that is required.
For patients who want a smaller size, a breast lift/Mastopexy is sometimes required to remove any excess tissue and reshape the breast over the smaller implant.
For major asymmetry, breast lift/mastopexy can assist in achieving better symmetry along with implant exchange
For tight scar tissue that has formed around the implant, it is generally required to remove the scar tissue with or without an exchange of the breast implant. This scar tissue removal is called a Capsulectomy.
What is an Explantation?
For different reasons, some patients eventually decide that removal of Breast Implants will best help them meet their goals. With removal of the breast implant, it can sometimes be beneficial to remove the scar tissue surrounding the implant, or the implant Capsule, either partially or entirely. An "en block capsulectomy" refers to removal of the entire breast capsule. Often times, due to loss of the volume of the implant, patients benefit from addition procedures such as mastopexy/breast lift.
What results can a patient expect from a Breast Revision surgery?
Breast Revision surgeries can improve both the shape and symmetry between your breasts, with the goal of improved patient satisfaction with the final result.
Breast Revision Before and Afters
(Click arrow or swipe to scroll through)

To schedule an appointment, online consultation, or learn more about Breast Revision Surgery, please Contact Us or call us at (469) 899-8758.

What financing options exist for treatments at Walker Plastic Surgery?
Walker Plastic Surgery has partnered with Care Credit to help our patients finance the costs of their procedures. The CareCredit card is North America’s leading patient payment program. The CareCredit card is easy to use, includes no hidden costs, and can be applied towards both surgical costs and follow-up appointments.
Through their website, you can access tools like the payment calculator and even find out if you qualify for a CareCredit card by starting a commitment free, instant application.