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Vaginal Rejuvenation or Labiaplasty refers to a group of procedures that address excess tissue around the vagina. This can address fullness and excess tissue in the skin around the vagina or the pink tissue on the vagina.



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Who is a good candidate for a Labiaplasty?


Patients with both excess skin or fullness surrounding the vagina and excess tissue on the vagina are good candidates for Labiaplasty. Many patients that have had children via vaginal birth can benefit from Labiaplasty to address the changes that can occur.




What should a patient expect during and after a Vaginal Rejuvenation?


Patients with fullness of the skin around the vagina may be treated with Liposuction and possibly removal of skin if there is significant excess. Excess pink skin of the vagina is generally addressed with exision. Many patients are good candidates for a Labiaplasty under local anesthesia in the office. It generally takes 45-60 minutes to perform and can be done with light relaxation medicine and local and topical anesthesia with minimal if any discomfort.


Others prefer to have it performed under additional anesthesia and go to sleep during the procedure. This is only required if it is the patient’s preference or if there is significant tissue that needs to be removed. 




What results can a patient expect from a Vaginal Rejuvenation?


Patients can expect a significant improvement in the fullness and excess tissue in this area. Many patients choose to have this procedure under local anesthesia in the office without needing to go to sleep, and our clinic has developed a method that allows awake Labiaplasty to be pain free for most patients. This helps decrease surgical risk as well as significantly decreases cost. 

Before and After Labiaplasty

(Click arrow or swipe to scroll through)

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To schedule an appointment, online consultation, or learn more about Vaginal Rejuvenation please Contact Us or call us at (469) 899-8758.


What financing options exist for treatments at Walker Plastic Surgery?


Walker Plastic Surgery has partnered with Care Credit to help our patients finance the costs of their procedures. The CareCredit card is North America’s leading patient payment program. The CareCredit card is easy to use, includes no hidden costs, and can be applied towards both surgical costs and follow-up appointments.


Through their website, you can access tools like the payment calculator and even find out if you qualify for a CareCredit card by starting a commitment free, instant application.

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