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A Face and Neck Lift is a general term for procedures that address aging structures of the face. There are three main layers involved in facial aging, the top layer (skin), the middle layer (fat and muscle), and the deep layer (deep muscle and bone). A good facelift surgeon knows how to address all levels of facial aging. 


These structures all go through predictable changes as we age and these changes are accelerated by sun damage and exposure to smoking. These changes include: 


  • Thinning, color change, and sagging of the skin (especially around the lower jaw/jowls and cheeks)

  • Deepening of natural lines and creation of new lines on the skin (wrinkles or rhytids)

  • Fat collection in undesirable locations (neck, jowls, etc.)

  • Loss of fullness due to loss or sagging of fat, especially around the eyes and in the cheeks




Who is a good candidate for a Facelift?


If you have deep wrinkles, moderate/severe sagging skin of face or neck, a full neck, or obvious jowling, you would likely benefit from a Face/Neck lift. With these changes, it is less likely that you would benefit enough from non invasive facial rejuvenation techniques to meet your expectations. 



What should a patient expect during and after a Facelift?


After a Facelift, it is normal to have some bruising, some temporary numbness/weakness of the facial muscles, and swelling. This improves significantly by 2 weeks after surgery, and your results will continue to improve for 3-12 months after surgery as swelling improves and scars mature. You should not do any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for at least 2 weeks, but mild activity is okay. You are encouraged to walk immediately after surgery. Results may vary, but the majority of people can go back to full physical activity without restrictions in 4-6 weeks and can function at an office job/be presentable in public with makeup at 2 weeks. 





What results can a patient expect from a Facelift? 


A Facelift can:

  • Tighten your skin, especially loose skin in the neck, by lifting sagging structures such as jowls and cheeks

  • Improve your neck contour

  • Remove or improve appearance of deep wrinkles 



A Facelift cannot:

  • Add volume

  • Remove fine wrinkles

  • Address wrinkles of the forehead

  • Rejuvenate the eyes


For complete facial rejuvenation, a Face/Neck Lift must often be paired with additional procedures such as fat grafting, Brow Lift, Eyelid Surgery, Upper Lip Lift, and skin resurfacing.

Face and Neck Lift Before and Afters

(Click arrows or swipe to scroll through)

I don't like my neck and jaw line, but I also don't have enough loose skin to need a full face or neck lift; What are my options?​


There are several options that can improve your neck line and fullness under your chin if you don't have significant amounts of loose skin.  Submental Liposuction, or liposuction of the jawline, neck, and chin, is a quick, outpatient procedure that can give powerful changes to your neckline with minimal downtime. For patients with mild amounts of loose skin, RF Microneedling can be added during the same treatment to allow for maximum skin tightening. These treatments give the best results in patients in their 20's-50's who have fullness in their neck but only mild amounts of loose skin. Significant skin laxity will likely require a neck tightening procedure for the best results. 




Submental Liposuction Before and Afters

(Click arrow or swipe to scroll through)

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To schedule an appointment, online consultation, or learn more about a Face/Neck Lift or Submental Liposuction, please Contact Us or call/text us at (469) 899-8758.


What financing options exist for treatments at Walker Plastic Surgery?


Walker Plastic Surgery has partnered with Care Credit to help our patients finance the costs of their procedures. The CareCredit card is North America’s leading patient payment program. The CareCredit card is easy to use, includes no hidden costs, and can be applied towards both surgical costs and follow-up appointments.


Through their website, you can access tools like the payment calculator and even find out if you qualify for a CareCredit card by starting a commitment free, instant application.

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