A Thigh lift or Thigh Plasty is a procedure that is designed to improve the contour of the thighs and remove excess tissue and fullness.

Who is a good candidate for a Thigh Lift?
Patients with excess, sagging skin in the groin area and inside portion of the thighs (where the legs meet) may be good candidates for a thigh lift. Patients with tissue on the inner thighs that “rub” are especially good candidates.
If necessary, significant excess sagging tissue in the the outer thighs are addressed in a different procedure as part of a Lower Body Lift, as this is not addressed in a traditional thigh lift.
What should a patient expect during and after a Thigh Lift?
Traditionally, a Thigh Lift addresses excess tissue on the thighs in several ways. Liposuction is used to decrease the overall fullness of the thigh if necessary, and excess sagging tissue is removed with an incision designed to hide on the inside of the leg (where the legs meet in the midline) and in the groin area. The incision may be short and primarily in the groin area or extended farther down the leg towards the knee area depending on the amount of excess skin present.
What results can a patient expect from a Thigh Lift?
Patients can expect a significant improvement in the shape of their thighs and removal of tissue that rubs in the medial thigh area. Any stretch marks that are included in the area of tissue removal will be gone, and the ones that are left will still be present but improved in appearance due to skin tightening. The overall shape of the thighs will appear thinner.
Thigh Lift Before and Afters
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How visible will the scars be after my procedure? Is the benefit worth the required scars?
​At Walker Plastic Surgery, we care about your scars almost as much as you do. As a Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Walker takes pride in optimizing every scar to its best potential. Each patient will naturally be prone to making a certain type of scar color, thickness, and width, but our promise at Walker Plastic Surgery is to do everything in our power to make the scars as hidden, as small, and as blended as possible to the surrounding skin. To do this, we use a multi stage evaluation and treatment method consisting of scar evaluations throughout your healing process. Using industry leading technology, we counsel and provide our patients with access to multiple scar reducing treatments including:
High quality, low tension skin closure and well designed scars
Early application of Medical Grade scar cream
Medical Grade Suncreen to prevent sun damage to sun exposed scars
Steroid injections as needed for scars that are raised or thicker than desired
Microneedling and/or Morpheus 8 Radiofrequency Microneedling for thickened scars or poor scar texture
Laser IPL Treatments for red pigment in scars
Hydroquinone lightening cream for brown pigment in scars
Scar revisions, usually under local anesthesia, for areas of scars less than optimal after final healing.
The scar healing process takes approximately 1-2 years from surgery to final result, and therefore we offer our patients multiple evaluations during the healing process so that proper treatments at the proper times for the best healing possible. With this multi stage evaluation and treatment scar program, we continue to put emphasis into producing the highest quality scars possible for our patients. Don't let the fear of a scar prevent you from having the shape and contour you deserve!
Examples of Long Term Scar Results after Optimization
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To schedule an appointment, online consultation, or learn more about a Thigh Lift, please Contact Us or call us at (469) 899-8758.

What financing options exist for treatments at Walker Plastic Surgery?
Walker Plastic Surgery has partnered with Care Credit to help our patients finance the costs of their procedures. The CareCredit card is North America’s leading patient payment program. The CareCredit card is easy to use, includes no hidden costs, and can be applied towards both surgical costs and follow-up appointments.
Through their website, you can access tools like the payment calculator and even find out if you qualify for a CareCredit card by starting a commitment free, instant application.